
Slips, Trips, and Falls Safety Month
Annual Summary: Employee Injuries & Illnesses
Reminder! Annual Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Training
Winter Weather Month: Driving Tips
Thank you for a safe year!
Space Heater

Environmental health and Safety (EHS)

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an environmentally friendly, healthy, and safe place to work, teach and learn.  Here you will find valuable information regarding regulatory compliance programs, EHS services, workplace hazard controls, training, injury prevention, and other helpful resources to support you in your role as a student, employee, or supervisor.  

News & Events

Slip, trip and fall incidences are some of the leading causes of occupational injuries at UNC Charlotte. It is very…

The Annual Environmental Health & Safety Compliance training has been assigned to all faculty, staff, and student employees, who are…

Laboratory Safety Awareness Week is just a week away! Laboratory Safety Awareness week is a CSHEMA nationwide event that recognizes…

The Environmental Health and Safety Office maintains the Annual Summary of Employee Injuries and Illnesses. The OSHA Form 300A lists a summary…

Injury Rate for 2023. Well Below the Average of 1.4
Completion Rate for Required Building Evacuation and Fire Safety Training in 2023
Safety Services to the Campus Community in 2023

Contact Us

Contact Us

704-687-1111 (Phone)
704-687-5302 (Fax) ehsoffice@charlotte.edu (Email) Directory


Safety Service Request


UNC Charlotte
Attn: Environmental Health and Safety
Annex 11
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223