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The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) offers online and classroom environmental health and safety training at no cost to most UNC Charlotte departments. Local, state, and federal regulations require employees to complete safety compliance training. Additionally, to promote injury prevention and hazard awareness, UNC Charlotte recommends employees complete safety awareness training.

  • New employees will be assigned safety compliance training applicable to their general work environment. Employees will receive an email from the Learning & Development Portal when training has been assigned to them.
  • Existing employees will be assigned compliance training that is required on an annual or every three-year basis. Employees will receive an email from the Learning & Development Portal when training has been assigned to them.
  • Supervisors/Managers will be assigned Behavioral Based Safety for Supervisors and Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) Supervisor Safety Training. Supervisors will receive an email from the Learning & Development Portal and/or Human Resources department.

If you do not receive an email from the Learning & Development Portal, please contact the EHS office at 7-1111 or complete the training request form.

Notice: The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has moved all training to the Learning & Development Portal.