Workplace Safety

Categories: News

We frequently overlook workplace safety hazards. Repetitive motion is one of the leading causes of occupational injury at UNC Charlotte. These motions generally occur in the work environment while using a computer workstation. Ergonomics is the practice of fitting the job to the individual, which can help prevent work-related musculoskeletal repetitive motion injuries. The following information provides general awareness of standard practices to prevent musculoskeletal related injuries caused by repetitive motion. Contact EHS for an ergonomic assessment if you feel discomfort while at your desk or performing other tasks at work.

Some tips to help prevent work place injuries include:

  • Arrange your office to allow clear walkways and aisles throughout the rooms and near exits.
  • Close file cabinet drawers, file doors, and pull-out work tables when not in use.
  • Clean up liquid spills immediately. Mark the hazard area with a “wet floor” sign until the floor dries. Walk slowly and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Use handrails when going up and down stairs.
  • Wear proper footwear at the office; a non-slip sole and a back strap are safest.
  • Store supplies and materials properly to maintain a safe workplace

Skill assessments, workplace safety evaluations, early education and training can go a long way to help your work environment remain injury free.


OSHA Computer Workstation eTool

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