
With summer comes fireworks. The National Safety Council (NSC) advises that fireworks in public displays be conducted by professionals. According to the NSC, “Fireworks start an average of 19,000 fires each year.” Here are some helpful tips from the National Safety Council to ensure a fun but safe time: If not handled properly, sparklers can […]

Summertime is quickly approaching, and May is Heat Stress Awareness Month. Environmental Health & Safety would like to keep the Charlotte campus community aware of Heat Stress warning signs. Extended exposure to heat and high humidity can lead to heat related illness and injury. We encourage the campus community to stay hydrated, take a break […]

Slip, trip and fall incidences are some of the leading causes of occupational injuries at UNC Charlotte. It is very important that you, as an employee, remain aware of your surroundings. The following guidance provides general awareness about contributing factors and tips to prevent these type accidents in the workplace. Resources

The Environmental Health & Safety Office is pleased to release the 2023 Environmental Health & Safety Annual Report. This report serves as a mechanism for summarizing EHS activities, designed to support campus operations while ensuring regulatory compliance. Resources: 2023 Environmental Health & Safety Annual Report

The Environmental Health and Safety Office maintains the Annual Summary of Employee Injuries and Illnesses. The OSHA Form 300A lists a summary of recordable cases for UNC Charlotte employees for calendar year 2023. The summary will remain posted from February 1,2024 through April 30, 2024.

Happy Holidays from EHS! The holiday season is here and the joy of this season leads many to decorate their homes and offices. We want to provide our Charlotte family with a few safety tips to keep in mind while decorating on campus and at home. Campus Safety Home Safety

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office understands with the cooler months, some offices may become uncomfortable. In order to have a space heater in an area, you will need the following authorization: Prior to bringing a space heater on campus, the EHS office must authorize the use of a space heater. Facilities Management must […]

We frequently overlook workplace safety hazards. Repetitive motion is one of the leading causes of occupational injury at UNC Charlotte. These motions generally occur in the work environment while using a computer workstation. Ergonomics is the practice of fitting the job to the individual, which can help prevent work-related musculoskeletal repetitive motion injuries. The following […]

With summer comes fireworks. The National Safety Council (NSC) advises that fireworks in public displays be conducted by professionals. According to the NSC, “In 2017, eight people died and over 12, 000 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents. Of these, 50% of the injuries were to children and young adults […]

National Safety Month is here! Environmental Health and Safety takes pride in ensuring the safety of our campus community. This month EHS is promoting workplace and event safety. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to utilize the services offered by our office to provide a safe work environment. Our services include, but are not limited […]

Summertime is quickly approaching and May is Heat Stress Awareness Month. Environmental Health & Safety would like to keep the Charlotte campus community aware of Heat Stress warning signs. Extended exposure to heat and high humidity can lead to heat related illness and injury. We encourage the campus community to stay hydrated, take a break […]

The Environmental Health & Safety Office is pleased to release the 2022 Environmental Health & Safety Annual Report. This report serves as a mechanism for summarizing EHS activities, designed to support campus operations while ensuring regulatory compliance. Resources: 2022 Environmental Health & Safety Annual Report

Slip, trip and fall incidences are some of the leading causes of occupational injuries at UNC Charlotte. It is very important that you, as an employee, remain aware of your surroundings. The following guidance provides general awareness about contributing factors and tips to prevent these type accidents in the workplace. Slips, Trips and Falls training […]

When working on an elevated surface, such as roofs or during construction activities, proper fall protection equipment is essential for your safety. Fall protection is required for most construction activities by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). EHS provides specific fall protection training, site assessments, and equipment to protect workers from falls greater than […]

The Environmental Health and Safety Office maintains the Annual Summary of Employee Injuries and Illnesses. The OSHA Form 300A lists a summary of recordable cases for UNC Charlotte employees for calendar year 2022. The summary will remain posted from February 1, 2023 through April 30, 2023.

Happy New Year Niners! It is time for Annual Environmental Health & Safety Compliance training. All faculty, staff, and student employees, regardless of work location, role, or position, who are paid by the university are required by the State Fire Marshal to take Building Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety and Prevention Training. This year, the […]

Please complete a safety service request to obtain authorization to use a space heater on campus. Space Heater Fact Sheet

September is Fire Safety Awareness month! The Environmental Health and Safety Office serves the campus community by ensuring that all fire alarms are working properly, building evacuation plans are accessible, and fire drills are routinely given to ensure the safety of all faculty, staff, students, and guests. If you have questions about maximum occupancy, would […]