
UNC Charlotte Environmental Health & Safety Office maintains the University’s Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program. AEDs are portable electronic devices designed to assess the heart’s rhythm and if needed, automatically recommends whether or not an electric shock should be delivered to correct the heart rhythm. These devices allow trained people to provide life-saving defibrillation to […]

The Environmental Health and Safety office maintains the Annual Summary of Employee Injuries and Illnesses. The OSHA Form 300A lists a summary of recordable cases for UNC Charlotte employees for calendar year 2022. The summary will remain posted from February 1, 2023 through April 30, 2023.

Governor Cooper has issued a proclamation declaring June as Safety Awareness Month, making safety a priority to the health and well-being of all North Carolinians, especially during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Heat Stress Millions of workers are exposed to heat in their workplaces. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from heat exposure. Supervisors and employees can do their part to help reduce risks of heat related exposure by considering the following: Prevention of Heat Stress: Supervisors Adjust the work schedule, if possible. Assign heavier work […]

Environmental Health and Safety Annual Report

Employees are required by North Carolina Fire Code regulations to complete two annual training sessions – Building Emergency Evacuation Training and Fire Safety and Prevention. This year’s due date is January 4, 2021. Each session should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Employees will receive weekly email reminders to complete the training sessions. Supervisors will […]

Safety Tips For Teleworking

Scooter Safety Tips Parking and Transportation Services launched the new E Scooter program for students on March 9th. Check out these scooter safety tips before you ride! Always ride solo Check that everything is working properly Always wear a helmet

Mass AED/ CPR Awareness Training For the fifth year, the University’s Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) sponsored a mass training of hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). EHS partnered with Mecklenburg EMS Agency (MEDIC) to offer these mass CPR trainings, the EHS Office wanted to increase bystander medical awareness about sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). For every […]

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) conducted annual safety monitor training on January 15. Each campus building has a safety monitor assigned. Safety monitors serve as the primary contact during emergency situations, assist with the maintenance of building emergency evacuation plans, assist building occupants during building evacuations and share important building safety information […]

Walk Like a Penguin With winter weather approaching, Environmental Health and Safety reminds you to walk like a penguin. Walking outside during winter weather can be challenging. Walking like a penguin is an easy way to make sure you stay upright! Remember to keep your knees loose. Extend your arms to the side to keep […]

Winter Weather Driving Driving in winter weather can be scary, especially during icy or snowy conditions. Remember these winter weather driving tips to stay safe! Always keep your gas tank filled to prevent ice from forming in tank or lines. Make sure to check tire pressure and replace any worn tires. Drive slowly. It is […]

On Nov. 21, UNC Charlotte students gathered on the field across from Robinson Hall and watched as two residence hall rooms went up in flames. The demonstration was part of the Mock Dorm Room Burn and fire safety fair held by Environmental Health and Safety and the Fire and Safety Technologist student organization (FAST). The […]