Health & Safety


The Health & Safety team administers compliance programs that ensure institutional compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The team specifically provides regulatory consultation, safety assessments, injury incident investigations, inspections, health surveillance, exposure sampling, limited equipment testing, and training services to maintain a safe campus.

What’s New

  • The Machine Shop inspections are scheduled for May – July 2024.
  • The Noise Workplace Hazard Assessments are scheduled for May – July 2024.
  • The Indoor Air Quality resources have been updated.

Most Requested Services

-Respirator Medical Evaluations
– Hearing Audiograms
-Ergonomic Assessments
-Injury Investigations
-Machine Shop Inspections
-Indoor Air Quality Assessments
-Sound Level Sampling
-Gas Meter Calibrations
-Space Heater Authorization
– Confined Space
– Electrical Safety
– Lockout / Tagout
– Job Hazard Analysis

To request Health & Safety team assistance click the safety service form.
