Hazardous & Universal Waste

Hazardous waste is a particular class of waste which, if improperly managed, poses a substantial threat or potential hazard to human health and the environment. Typical hazardous wastes generated at UNC Charlotte include, but are not limited to: spent solvents, waste laboratory chemicals, waste paints, oils and coolants.
Universal waste is a special category of hazardous waste that is managed differently from other types of hazardous wastes due to the fact that they generally pose a lower threat to human health and the environment. Universal waste streams include mercury lamps, batteries, some pesticides, and some mercury containing equipment.
What you need to know
- Containers that store hazardous waste must be properly labeled. EHS can provide labels upon request.
- Hazardous waste pickups can be requested in EHSA Onsite.
- Persons generating or working with hazardous waste must receive proper training.
- A Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan is available from EHS upon request.
- Universal Waste collection is coordinated with the UNC Charlotte Recycling Group prior to shipment for recycling.
- Purchasing the smallest practical amount of chemical needed can reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated.
- Ensure that incompatible wastes are not mixed together in the same container.
The Environmental Health and Safety Office offers the following services:
- Hazwaste Pick up request
- Hazwaste supplies
- Waste Consultations
- Lab decommissioning